Is your tenant in Detroit a deadbeat? Well, say hello to my little friend!

That’s weird. That’s exactly how I collect rents. What’s the problem?

another example of why not to specialize in an area prone to riff raff…


Actually, this is one of the best locations in Detroit. It’s located in Mid-town, a couple blocks from Wayne State University with about 33,000 students and a couple blocks from the Detroit Medical Center (behind the Detroit Receiving Hospital), which employs 13,000 people and 3,000 physicians.

So, if this is what you can expect from one of the best locations in Detroit…


I wasn’t referring to the physical area…

Residential rentals in general…

I like SPY; IWM; DIA; QQQ, etc.

If they’re not acting the way I want them to…(as Rookie would say)…I “hit the bid”:


This guy has a fault in his logic. You don’t want to shoot your tenants because dead tenants can’t pay rent. You want to break their legs.


Yikes… Well that’s depressing! :banghead