Is this all I need?

I am brand new to investing and would like to start by flipping properties using little to nothing of my own money. Is Bronchick’s book “Flipping Properties” going to have all the information I need to start bringing in residual income? Remember I am BRAND NEW and have no previous knowledge about real estate!

Thanks a lot guys and I look forward to becoming a part of this community.

ok can someone suggest a book that would get me started on the right foot? anyone???

I haven’t read Bronchick’s book and I am not a “flipper” but (and I would guess that most in here would concur), there is no ONE book that is going to tell you EVERYTHING you need to know. I’ve been reading for 15+ years…

Bronchick’s book is probably a good start but it will offer you one person’s view. Education on REI needs to be a lifelong pursuit. Experience is a VERY ket element.

Hope this helps…


ive got several books on the subject of rei.
realestate investing from a-z by william h pivar is one of my favorites. it covers a lot of ground, but no one book can cover everything. it too gets to the point by reading several books that it all starts to sound the same. so read a few good books, and hit the forums.oh yeah, try the richest man in babylon too. its a very good read. ok its really a must read. if one learns to apply the rules of gold to his/her life, profits are in your control.