Is the RE bubble real?

I’m interested in knowing what RE investors think about all the hype in the media about the RE bubble.

Do you think it is real…or just media hype?

I’ve been involved with preconstruction investing in Florida, Nevada, Arizona, etc. and don’t see an end in sight.

Please tell me what you think.



There are some overheated areas but those are starting to sag – they almost had to. I don’t think that there’s a “big bubble” and real estate will never crash completely.


I think there will be a slow down in certain areas and that interest rates will climb later this year. However, during the Great Depression the greatest decline in real estate values in any one year was 11%. I’m sure Cash will agree with me since he apparently lived through that era. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Glad to meet you.

This link should give you and idea how your market is doing or it could be known as are you in the bubble.

John $Cash$ Locke