investing in ghettos

Yes thats upstate new york or I guess you could call it western new york/ central new york also has good cash flowing properties.

Is this an investment site or a bash politicians site?

Isn’t that the same thing?

Seeing that this is your only post here I don’t see why it matters?

Texas. Houston, San Antonio, Mission, etc.

Its the same thing if you consider voting for democrats you vote against the economy and business

Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, SE Colorado…the list gores on and on…

I concur with Rich…establish yourself a bit then whine. You must be a Billary lover otherwise it would not have hit such a nerve.


This is what $25k gets you in my town…

Next thing listed after that on the Yahoo Realestate site was $73k for a condo.

Now that is some legitimate “wheel estate”…

You go!

Its not even in a good park. The really nice Jensens retirement communities units are around $65k on the low end.

I can get that same property here for $6K but on a leased lot…


That’s $25k on a leased lot, doesn’t come with land. And that right there is a good deal in this area. Oh, and the $65k retirement community mobiles are also leased. Nothing is cheap in blue country.

Hey Rich thats the same as my area. I live in dutchess county new york. Prices are horrendous

Dutchess county is pretty bad. I work in that general area, northwest CT, and we get all the same rich NYC folk up here killing the market. Glad I live in the center of the state with prices aren’t so bad.

Same thing in SW Mass…that’s where I’m from originally and two of my brothers still live in the area…and my wife asks me why I hate NY’ers!

didn’t hit a nerve.

As I am knew here and was checking out some of the posts already before asking questions or offering advice. Imagine logging on to a site that you expect to be real estate investing advice and see political posts…

no worries men, will just read and not post in the future.

Im sure thats what the creators of this website intended.


Step back from the keyboard and draw fire!!

I’m sure you were very distraught to see a brief political discussion when first logging in. However, you are already acquianted with throwing in your sarcastic opinion unrelated to REI. You saw how fast the flow of the thread got back to the original topic, yet decided it would be best to unnecessarily interrput it.

A good rule of thumb; If you don’t like what you’re reading, stop reading it! Good idea on not posting anymore…


If that was on its own lot, I’d buy it!!! Here in Ohio, I know people that are getting $500-$600 for single-wides. They can be GREAT rentals. I have two doublewides and have been looking for a mobile home park!


There was a 20/20 show just last week with Diane Sawyer that showcased Camden, NJ. I’ve never been there, but if it’s anything like they portrayed it, you’re a braver person than I. They named it the poorest city in America, and showed murders, drugs, widespread violence, poverty and just total anarchy. The drug dealers leased blocks from kingpins in order to sell drugs there for 10k a week.
Tenants heated what space they could with the stove and oven, and the rest of the unheated apartment was infested with roaches and completely trashed with a LOT of people living there. People being gunned down right and left, and the crime statistics were staggering.
I don’t think paying rent would be the first priority if the citizens of Camden even could, from the impression I got.
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