Wich BRIC country do you consider the best to invest in lands?
Russia, Brazil, India or China
Wich BRIC country do you consider the best to invest in lands?
Russia, Brazil, India or China
None of them.
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Something tells me that every time I buy a property here, I’m investing in China…
I think all these countries are way too overpriced. A correction is imminent. Some of these countries’ appreciated 500 to 1000% in the last 6 years. Also be aware that the legal protection as a non-citizen buyer may be limited and the chances of getting defrauded is high. So trad in carefully if you decide to.
Justin I think your statement went some heads. Without getting into the politics to things, you are absolutely correct. A larger portion of the debts owed is to China. Therefore why not use the same monies to invest in market that you are familiar with. Great point.