interrest rates

Were is a good place to find up to date rates?

your mortgage broker

When has a mortgage broker every been up front about the best rate you can get?? Bankrate seems to be a day behind if you are not a paying member.

Mortgage bkokers are in the business to make as much money as they can off of you and do not quote you the best rates. I have shopped 5 brokers and have gotten better rates each time. Now I have one that says she will match my best offer and if she can not she will give my 500.00… What a crock screw the 500 just give me you best and lets be done with it!! My time is worth more than a lousy 500!! argh!!!

Sorry is has been a taxing search for an honest loan person.

You do have a point with SOME brokers not ALL.


I know when I quote it is after I know what kind of loan a person can qualify for .

I believe that it so unprofessional to quote a rate over the phone just becase that person thinks they qualify for a 700 fico, full doc, conforming type of loan when in fact it is far from it and then they want that rate.

Well if you want an unbias par rate call the bank or go on line to your bank

Thanks for your info… I have just ran across an honest up front lender. Mortage capital got me 5.357 Thats APR (no points) on 270,000 that is all I wanted!! That was the first quote no haggleing nothing!! Please tell me any one if that is Par?? I have not locked I am going to see if that crooked PHH can beat it if not by a lot I am going to tell them I would rather go with an honest lender than give you my business… Sorry I am just upset… also this is a refi…

That is a great APR

Why on bankrate do they say 5.21 is the going rate and no one seems to be able to give that?

I also think that is a great rate and I should of locked but I want to see what PHH can do. I could end hurting myself but we will see.

Most sites like bankrate are lead generation websites designed to generate leads for mortgage brokers. If you want a true idea of where rates are on a weekly basis, visit Freddie Mac’s weekly survey at the following URL:

RJ Baxter