intellibiz ?

anyone ever heard of they offer an alternative to carlton sheets program and offer a 110% lifetime guarantee and free 24/7 advice hotline for free. i cant find any info on this site anywhere. anyone ever run into this?

Did you Gooooooogle it? I got over 2,200 hit for it, including:

Or, maybe you’re their PR guy…??


no i am not there PR guy. i just thought those review sites were not legit and maybe they’re there to promote intellibiz more. so are those review sites legit?

Their reviews seem pretty straight-up…they don’t seem to have an axe to grind and it doesn’t look like they give a free-pass either…

I looked at a few about “gurus” that I do know of and they’re pretty fair with their reviews.


how is the mentoring they claim to offer for lifetime?