Insurance problem

I have an older mobile home on land that I currently have a land sales contract on. Because it sat empty for a while it was uninsurable. I live in another state. The bank who holds the mortgage put a forced insurance on it, therefore, not realizing I thought it was insured. When I put the buyers into the mobile home my contract states I will carry the hazard insurance. They had a problem with a storm and the roof, I called the bank about the insurance, they told me the gist of it, that this policy that i have is only to cover the mortgage, although it will offer some protection with very high (2K) deductible. I called around to get insurance on it as non owner occupied, i cant get it insured. I asked the buyer to get it in her name and I would reimburse her. I dont want to go into it too much with the buyer for I dont want her to know the type of liability im dealing with. The buyer is not cooperating and i have no insurance on the property. any suggestions.