Hello everyone new to this forum,

Could I get some info on John’s course anyone use it how helpful was it . He seems very informative and knowledgable in his post. any information would help.



I have said before and I will say again. I have three of the most well known courses on the market. And if I had to give two away and only keep one, I would keep John’s.

How helpful “was” it? It is not a course that you will ever have to refer to as “was”. It will never become outdated because there will always be people who will find themselves in a “sub to” situation and need help. You will not find another course that comes with a better support system. No other course writer offers free lifetime support via personel cell phone number, email, and password protected website full of sub to investors to help with any question that comes up. Let’s not forget his partner and right hand man John (LV), the master of research and sub to pro.

Your assessment is correct. He is very knowledgeable and informative. I will also tell you Don’t ask if you don’t want to know. Because he will pull no punches, he will not sugar coat, he will not blow smoke. What you see is what you get. This is what I like best.

The course is put into an elementary text, easy to read fashion. If you go to a boot camp or seminar, you do not get someone marketing the course with a motivational sales pitch, you get John. You can start with any credit and without large money outlay. Did I mention the support? He will go to war with you.

Yes this is my first post, no I am not on John’s payroll. Just a very happy student. If you find a bad review or war story, let me know because I have not, and I’m big on due diligence.

I would say that’s it in a nutshell.
