Inexpensive International Flights

Id like to take a quick vacation away from the USA

What countries are cheapest flying from Atlanta or Miami?

Any tips for getting amazing deals on international flights?

I’d like to visit the Dominican Republic, and stay in inexpensive youth hostels

Other choices are Central America, or South America

I’d like to have a frugal vacation, for like 3-4 days away, and then back

The ticket would have to be round trip and Im talking like $250 or less if possible

I would have like $300 total cash for everything after ticket expenses

Already have a valid passport. Ready to go

South America seems to be the best choice considering the budget. Mexico or Argentina perhaps?

Fly to Miami and leave from there.

What about Asian countries such as Thailand or the Philippines. You could also save a lot of money without compromising the experience . They have stunning beaches and islands.