illegal alien thoughts......

Has anyone seen the movie “idiocracy”

Any slumlords…ahh mean landlords on this website would enjoy this movie. It’s concept is basically that the deadbeats of the world reproduce faster than the others. Therefore the future is just full of lazy and stupid people. The main characters get locked in a time capsule and come to life in the future with the dip****s of the world. It’s a great movie that gets your wheels turning. I can see this country becoming this way, if we don’t get rid of the deadbeats in a hurry. I still like my idea of open season on them, to thin them out a bit like we do the deer here.

I lived in the fastest growing Mexican community in the United States according to the news anyways. It went from 3% in 1999 to over 98% in 2006. I worked with these people and with their children, I saw children have their fathers deported and families who were children only because their parents wanted them to stay here. It was a sad reality that affected many.

However, in my opinion - they should have just done things the right way. While I understand that they want to come here, they should go through the right means to get here - fill out the paperwork. They ARE very hard working people, which is why it makes no sense to me why they are illegal.

I also saw many who came here to work, save the cash and go back to Mexico because of all the benefits. I do not think it’s right that our tax dollars support people with cars, houses, medical attention for illegal immigrants when they hardly do that for the people who live here already.

Just go through the right means to stay here - don’t do things illegally.

BTW - My ancestry has Italian and Irish - all of whom had papers and did thing legally.

Foreign-born workers-with or without papers- are the big machine that drives the economy. You’ve all seen them, the Russian pH.D driving a taxi-cab, the Mexican teacher roofing, the Pakistani working ungodly long hours in a little motel.

I’ve known hundreds of foreign workers but I can’t recollect a single family or individual on welfare. I have seen many native-born Americans, with zero ambition, sitting home watching TV on welfare.

Of course we need a work permit program. European countries have had foreign worker programs in place for years. Instead the borders have been tightened here so much that workers can’t go home to Mexico. They are staying and sending home their money because that’s all they can do.

Imagine that you were born in Oaxaca, Mexico. You are living there with wife and kids, a little corn field, some day work. Now suddenly you can’t get work. Your kids are going to starve. There is no social welfare system safety net. You don’t want to leave for “El Norte”, you don’t speak English, you love your family…but the four-year old is crying himself to sleep from hunger pains. What would you do?

Let’s show some humanity and understanding for people. They are us, just born in a different place.

Furnishedowner (Foreign-born, Green-card, Naturalized US citizen)

Wow… FurnishedOwner… Now this was a balanced posting. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I tend to agree with you. I have never seen an illegal imigrant in welfare. Quite the opposite - the ones I have met in my life seems to work very hard, sometimes 6 or 7 days a week.

In terms of breaking the law I have mixed emotions here. Way back then it was against the law for a black person to sit in the front of the bus. However, some of them decided to break the law and that action helped change things. I wonder if what we call breaking the law today will still be considered so bad in the future… Please, understand that I am not advocating that breaking the law is good. I am only saying that there are laws and laws… I know… I know… Then who should decide which laws should be broken and which should not… I believe there is no easy answer.

Have a wonderful day!

A bit off topic, but since you brought it up. There is a fundamental flaw in comparing today’s illegal immigrants to waves of immigrants from years passed. Illegal immigrants today demand to be spoken to in their own language. They have their own media TV sations radio and newspapers. They take driving license tests in their own language, they want voting registration in their own language, they go to their own supermakets. And if you susgest that they speak English they call you racist. This immigrants are death set in keeping their own ways, instead of becomming americans. They are essentially creating another culture withing our country, that is why they can more acurately be called invaders instead of immigrants. This is not to say that there are’n some good ones,there are always excepcions to the rule

cdp 1,
Your xenophobic post made me a little crazy since there were major reasoning flaws in it.

Today’s immigrants are JUST like those in years past. They are discriminated against, and labeled just like in years past. Do you recall: “No Irish Need Apply”, “No Jews Allowed” from your history lessons? I once sold a house in San Diego, California to a Chinese concert pianist.
As a housewarming gift I gave her a framed copy of the recorded deed restriction: “No person of Chinese ancestry may reside on this property unless they are a domestic servant.”

Of course immigrants want their own TV stations, radio and newspapers. What is wrong with that? If you immigrated to France tomorrow would you give up all English media? As you struggled with French, wouldn’t you still enjoy your American movies?

There have ALWAYS been native language newspapers, restaurants, and stores. This has brought us Italian restaurants, Chinese laundries, Cajun food, African-American Jazz, etc.

These cultures within our culture enrich us, they don’t diminish our quality of life.

You should take up a second language, it would expand your world view. In Europe people often speak 3 or more languages. You are not considered an educated person but a country bumpkin if you have such a narrow view as to think one language is enough. Imagine dreaming in Spanish, or French or Chinese! That is growth, it would change you and maybe make help cure the xenophobia.

Immigrants are not invaders, they are future Americans. They are the cream of the crop, the adventurers, the innovators, the people who dared to dream.


a lot of illegals have tax ids, and therefore pay taxes. A lot of them open their own companies and again, pay taxes.
They spend a lot of money, therefore sales tax money.
They buy cars, huge sales tax and usage taxes every year
A lot of them get over taxed pay checks and cannot get a penny back.
They cannot qualify for welfare.
They try to pay their hospital bill as best as they can afford. If you did not have health insurance I am sure you would pay your bill in full at the same day that you had an emergency.
Some of them even buy houses and pay the property taxes.
They are an asset to the economy, not a burden.

The pressure on the illegals is so big at the moment, that many of legal immigrants are returning home. They do not feel welcomed anymore.

People also say that they are breaking the law. How many never used an illegal substance, smoked before old enough to buy cigarettes, consumed alcohol before the age of 21, etc.

You want them to enter this country legally? Just tell them how.
People that do not belong to upper middle class in third would countries can not even get a visa to visit America.
If you don’t have at least a masters it is almost impossible to get a work visa
In other words, there is not a way for those people to come to America legally. the one who comes are not going to work on a farm.

America is a great place to live, the land of opportunities. It is so great that most Americans never visit a different country, and that creates a narrow point of view.

I completely agree with your post. That is exactly my view. I am glad that someone in this forum has had the same experience working with illegals that I have had.

Another thing I worry about as a small employer is the increasing government pressure to act as a Border Patrol official.

I don’t want to have to inquire about my employee’s immigration status. I just want to inquire about their job skills. If someone gives us a Social Security number so we can file the paperwork that should be enough.
