If you are FOR....

…government accountability, smaller government, less taxes… and are AGAINST corruption, wasteful spending, and losing more and more freedoms…

Just remember that the LARGER the goverment becomes, the LESS accountable government becomes and the MORE TAXES are needed to support it… MORE, not less, corruption will occur, wasteful spending will INCREASE, and you will continue to LOSE more FREEDOMS…

So what is the argument for a larger government??? Why would you even WANT larger government?

Im very right wing conservative/libertarian. I would love to hear some big government liberals input on why they support big gov though.

That is a good question Positive Outlook.

Do you know we are policing the world in 134 countries. That my friend is huge government. Huge COSTLY government.

Should we really be policing the world Postive outlook? You are a “conservative” right??

Want to see the numbers for our foreign policy??

It’s all here. Just lookup the 10’s of BILLIONS sent to foreign countries this year



You’ll get no argument from me on being the policeman of the world… now do I fit your definition of “conservative”??? :rolleyes

But guess what gave them that role… BIGGER GOVERNMENT… so your point is???..

Thats one thing I dont understand though. The media always has this mindset that Conservatives are war-mongerers, which is un true. Maybe progressivelites like Mccain are, but tue Conservatives believe in a non-interventionist foreign policy. (as do I)

Make up your mind.

John, it is very clear what it means… We should NOT be the policeman of the world, but BECAUSE government has gotten so big, through BOTH parties, our entanglements have INCREASED over the years leading to the condition we BOTH agree is not good - being the policeman of the world…

We are better off being the EXAMPLE of what can be accomplished with smaller government…

So now, let’s ask again…

“So what is the argument for a larger government??? Why would you even WANT larger government?”

John, I would be very interested in YOUR definition of “conservative”… try to keep it in context of the thread…

Wow you consfuse me. What is your opinion on illegal drugs? Legalize everything or nothing?

Did anyone see this Lib. on CNN question the car salesman giving away free AK47s with the purchase of a new car??

If not it’s a must see.


Yeah I seen it a while back,I love the motto “god,guns,good trucks”.Just suprised this was’nt in the south.


“Wow you consfuse (sic) me. What is your opinion on illegal drugs? Legalize everything or nothing?”

Considering your original wording of your question, including the A-D-D remark, it’s a good think you re-worded it… I will assume you meant “confuse”…

That said… they are really straight forward questions… no more than three-syllables… try again, John, you might surprise yourself and actually ANSWER the questions being posed to you instead of dodging them… :biggrin

With regards to drugs, I have mixed feelings on drugs… I have seen first hand the devastation that drugs and alchohol can wreak on people’s lives…

Whereas I am all for indvidual liberties, when it comes to drugs specifically (and I’ll assume you meant alcholhol also, to save time), I think the question has to be asked at what point does it go from an individual liberty to an infringement of anothers liberty, through the FORCED taxation or increased heath insurance costs to pay for rehab and health services…

See, answering questions is easy… you just have to actually try… :beer

Let’s try an easy one for you John… what is YOUR definition of “conservative”???

BTW, the clip was cool… :biggrin

For everyone else who are actually interested in answering the question(s) …

“So what is the argument for a larger government??? Why would you even WANT larger government?”

End the drug war completley. As long as your not driving.

"“So what is the argument for a larger government??? Why would you even WANT larger government?”

So, being that the liberals in particular did not answer this, I guess we can all conclude that we have found agreement on the fact that larger government is a bad thing…
