Ideas to make bathroom spacier?

I’ve came across some small bathrooms in my last few rehabs. One was so small anybody over 200 pounds wouldn’t fit.

With that one I changed out the bathtub to one of those deep sitdown tubs, and moved the shower head and made a curtain rack. It cleared roughly 6 sq feet to move with.
The tub i bought is shown here the space saver model. Normal only shower stall size but with higher walls to suit at a tub. I used it too before i sold the home. Good jets too.

One the sink fixture was on a cabinet and the corner would poke me walking to the toilet, I just made it a pedistool sink.

Any other ideas like these that would make a bathroom bigger? i find if i get the bathroom bigger my homes with only one sell easier and one is more acceptable. Same with kitchens. I knock walls out and make a counter area so barstools can go there too. opens up things.

Sounds good to me. One thing I don’t like about pedestal sinks is that there is never any room to put anything on the sink. So I make sure there is some kind of shelf nearby.

My mom wants one of those tubs - but with a shower. How much are they?