I Sold that House Twice

I got this hoarders house on contract last summer for 16K and flipped it for 26K,
I wrote about it in Real Estate Success stories.
Well, the saga continues. I told about how my buyer spent $14,000 just hauling away the trash and paying 3 guys salary for 3 weeks & still hadn’t done any repairs on the house.
I offered to buy it back for 40K the amount he had into at the time. He agreed but insisted I give him a $2,500 non refundable deposit. I told him no thanks it was too much risk, I really didn’t know if I cud sell it.
Well anyway, the guy is a young investor and I continued to email him occasionally to tell him what I was working on and find out what hes doing.
Out of the blue he tells me he still has that house and hasn’t done much to it yet and will sell it for 45K
I told him I got this new partner that will probably do 42K
He says nope, I gotta have 45.
I emailed him my contract, he signed it, & sent it back and crossed out the 30 days and wrote in 10 days.
I called him and said whats this?
I told him we might be able to do it in 15 days but I want 30 days as a buffer cuz sometimes Escrow takes a while. He tells me I will give you 30 days but I need $2,500 Non Refundable deposit. Here we go again. I thought I cud bluff him and I said I don’t think my partner wants it that bad. He says well, that’s my terms, let me know.
My partner keeps asking if I have any thing else I’m working on.
I tell him about this deal from start to finish and the terms.
My partner looks it over and says I’ll giv you your asking price of 50K and I think I can do it in 10 days.
I said yea, if it takes a few days longer I’m sure he’s not gonna back out. We started escrow that very same day and I sent the seller the escrow info and Escrow number. He came back with, “alright, cool”.
It is scheduled to close this Friday just under the 10 days.
Selling the same house twice is a new one for me. And I can sure use the 5 Grand.
Let’s make some Money Rando

Yahoo, this deal closed yesterday. I went to Title Company and picked up my check, got home and was snapping a photo of it wen I realized, Hey, they made it out to the wrong frikin person WTF!!! Title company told me to bring it in Monday Morning and they wud re-issue me the correct one.
The deal took a bit longer than the 10 days the seller was demanding, but as I told my buyer, as long as its in escrow he wont back out.
Once again the Title Company included a summery of all the expenses, I got $5,000
my Realtor/Broker/Investor got $6,500 and another $1,000 went to his Company, maybe he paid his employee, I know he sent her out there to take photos.
The end buyer paid $58,662 after our assignment fees, Title fees etc.
Its crazy cuz I thought this house wud be worth 60-80K after repairs and it needs $30K in massive rehab. We got 2 more closing next week and I just found him another one I’m working on gettin under contract. Only a potential of $6K which I will split with my finder.
Let’s get out there and make it happen…

Interesting story randoskie.

Sounds very similar to a friend of mine who has a title pawn operation and a repo operation…spoke with him a while back and he said one of his cars he had pawned 3 times, repoed it three times and sold it 3 times and made $$$ each time.

It is out there just DO IT!