I need to contract a commercial appraiser

Stepping completely out of my comfort zone now. I have a seller, one of my physicians, who is retiring and unloading his office property in the hospital district of Fort Worth. The office space and parking lot are simple enough. Amazingly, he has a 5000 square foot two story depression era brick warehouse in the parking lot. He envisions a restaurant bar; I envision an assisted living quadraplex. I need to contract a commercial appraiser to walk the property. Any and all suggestions appreciated.


 A commercial appraiser for current value???

To determine the difference between a restaurant / bar or an assisted living quadraplex (fourplex) you need to analyze “Best Use”!

Run the numbers both ways.


"A commercial appraiser for current value???

To determine the difference between a restaurant / bar or an assisted living quadraplex (fourplex) you need to analyze “Best Use”!

Run the numbers both ways."

Hi. Thanks. Yes, that’s the plan, but who’s a good appraiser?

One suggestion would be to find an “MAI” certified appraiser in the Fort Worth market. They are excellent appraisers and know their craft thoroughly.

I agree with Jeremy, finding an MAI through the Appraisal Institute is your best bet at finding a commercial real estate expert.

To find an “MAI” certified appraiser is the best option but to find an “MAI” certified appraiser is very difficult.