I need a sensible, reasonable loan origination source for myself…just built my home over a year ago and am frustrated with my first dealing with a lender who doesn’t do in-house underwriting…no answers, slow response, etc…

I have a simple deal - we own home, no liens, no mortgage, just appraised at $140k in Jan, built in rural area with no occupancy permit or inspections available…which should be irrelevant…so am tired of the anal exam in my first loan attempt…need a lender with close underwriter discussion contact, not an external unapproachable lender underwriter.

Located in rural Phelps
county MO.

If you tell the whole story someone might be able to help.

Pretty much the whole, simple story…want a max equity reverse loan…66% at ages 70 & 73…zero owed on home, home is very new-barely over a year old…recent appraisal of 140K…should be simple process…if I can find a lender who can communicate with their underwriter…unfortunately I started with an inexperienced originator who is attempting to sell my loan …to the biggie lenders…and now has my case file…

PS: want a Reverse HUD HECM insured loan, will pay MPI…want usual HECM features - i.e. no repayment or negative equity lien ever …etc.