I just mailed 1200 postcards and not one call!

Can any one share a post card that works. I mailed absentee owners and not one call. any advice on lists/targets ect.


Can you share your postcard?

Can any one share a post card that works.
We Buy Houses 555-5555

Theres no mail today man :slight_smile:

And by the sound of your post, you put them in the box this morning? Mail takse a few days.

You will need to test the following attributes of your mailing campaign to maximize response:

  • Message/Call to Action
  • Timing/Frequency
  • Target Audience

There are only three core reasons why you haven’t gotten any response to your mailer:

a. Your postcard failed to grab attention, capture and maintain interest and inspire further action/contact.
b. Your postcard was delivered to an audience that had no immediate need for what you are offering.
c. Your postcard was delivered to an audience that had no need now or ever for what you are offering (bogus mailing list).

If you are confident in your marketing message and mailing list, then mail the same list multiple times to see if this improves response ratios.


Scott Miller