I cornered tim geithner today!

He was on my plane from Washington Reagan to white plains NY this evening. He boarded first with the secret service, they have to check in with me because i’m the captain and they are carrying a gun. Anyways I went back and introduced myself and asked it he would sign my book The 5000 year leap. He said sure and asked what it was about. I told him it was about the constitution and the gold standard (had to throw that in). He then asked if I was sure I wanted him to sign it. I said of course. Then he says you know I don’t believe in that stuff. Not sure if he just meant the gold standard or the Constitution too. Anyways he signed it, I told him I was a libertarian and he made a comment that didn’t really make much sense to me and I decided I should leave him alone and thanked him.

I wish I would have though to question him about HR1207, ohh well. The secret service agent didn’t look like he liked me talking to him. Sure was nice to insinuate to him I didn’t approve of his economics. Actually , it felt awesome.


He can go to you know where.

Too cool man,
That’s too funny,he had no clue about the book.I’m sure you made his day.Too bad it was’nt a- how to do your taxes for dummies.Good move!

Heard you this morn on glenn beck,rock on man.Good stuff.

John, you were on Beck this morning on radio? thats awesome. ugh… is that on youtube or his site or anything you know of?

I dont listen to his radio program.

Sorry here it is


Nothing there John…???

i fixed it

Nice interview man. Glenn wants your book… maybe you could trade it to him for a bunch of autographed Glenn Beck stuff :slight_smile: