I am a new to wholesaling, located in Albany NY, would like to learn here.
I am a new to wholesaling, located in Albany NY, would like to learn here.
Welcome! We look forward to your involvement in the Forums. :beer
Yes Welcome grasshopper, I see your from Albany. If you personal message I can giv u some one on one instructions on finding distressed fixers. This country seems to be on hold for now but I expect things to get going by mid summer. Rando
Welcome. I think the important thing to understand from the begining that wholesaling isn’t property investing. It is sales and marketing and you need to home these skills to generate leads and negotiate deals.
Welcome! My good friend lives in Troy and bought a triplex in Albany that she house hacked. Cashflows well for her! Seems like some good spots for investing being a few hours outside NYC.
This is a great forum to learn on. Dive in as much as you can. Also a great time to learn during the shelter in place. DM me if you have any questions!
I’m new to wholesaling locating in Bronx New York
Just read an article today that the CT market is blowing up with New Yorkers. You find a wholesale deal in CT right now, I bet the spreads are bueno.
Welcome to the club! I would definitely spend sometime refining your sales skills through some youtube videos of other wholesalers or a few books on sales in general!
Hello My name is Nick from Orlando,fl.
If you need a proof of funds letter to submit your offer let me know.