How to Write Real Estate Ads

Can anyone tell me how to write real estate ads?

If you write effective real estate ads, then people can attract for buying your home or property. Here are some tips

• Write proper, suitable, attractive headlines when writing a real estate ad.
• Describe all the features of the home include landscaping features, square footage, the number of bedrooms/bathrooms, location/schools, and any other appealing extras, such as a family room or swimming pool.
Put the price of the home in the real estate ad.
• Use positive, attractive words throughout the ad.
• At the end of an ad, tell your readers what to do.

Give attractive titles like offer or 30% OFF something like that.
Attractive photos
Short description containing Area, Bedroom , bathroom , price and contact details.
Mention special amenities etc

Your ad must produce desire for the property you’re promoting.
Use terms such as “beautiful, wonderful, luxurious, relaxing and comfortable.” These terms create a positive feeling concerning the house or apartment described in the offer.
One thing you should not put in your ad is an exclamation point to finish every single sentence. This is just a turn off in my opinion.

Write attractive title for your ad, with brief description and relevant images. One of the most important thing is to rum your ad in the area from where you want leads. Like India, or specific city of India, etc.

It should have attractive title that catches the eye and short prompts that convey the necessary information

I wanna start to advertise a sale listing. But my dilemma is…Google Ads or Facebook ads. From your experience which one have better results? :monalisa

Thank you very much.

Great explanation. Informative tips to write a real estate ad.

What If I am a house buyer and want to attract peoples who want to sell their house??

Google PPC ads will pay off.

It depends on the audience of course. Whether it’s buying or selling, and specifically what. But my best advice is CLARITY. I focus on clarity first, and then I try to make the ad stand out from the title in at least one way. Some people have already mentioned ways to do that. Then I just use some image-words to “bring people into the house” from the ad. Where they can read the ad and feel like they are in the place already if a buyer. And that’s about it.

Hi, I agree with you, Title must be eye-catching for real estate ad like some offer.
Thanks for sharing the tips.