Have any of you made a custom-made bandit hammer and/or a bandit stapler? I’m curious to know of how did you go about doing this. I already have some ideas in mind but, would like to know how you made yours. Thanks in advance for all feedback. :help :help :help
I just bought it online , Im sure you seen it for around $150. Personally I would just pay and not deal with making one, it works great by the way (sign stapler) . If you are just starting and dont have $ , I would not even worry about it and just roof nails to put up your signs.
SignStapler is $125 http://www.signstapler.com/.
SignHammer is much less sophisticated but is only $40 http://www.signhammer.com/ It could be easily reproduced with simple, cheap materials from Home Depot.
However is building a sign tool the best use of your time? Unless you just like building stuff I’d just buy a SignHammer or something similar and be done with it. You should always be asking yourself, “self, what’s the best use of my time?” The time it would take you to drive to Home Depot, find the items, get the Home Depot guy to measure and cut the wood, cut the PVC pipe, bring everything home, measure stuff, make ANOTHER trip to Home Depot to pick up that one widget you didn’t know you needed, etc all to save what, $25-30? That time could have been used making offers to motivated sellers making thousands.
Don’t use a stapler, I’m not really satisfied with mine. Sometimes it jams, sometimes it takes a couple tries and apparently the wind can blow it off even with a few in it. There is another version of a hammer that is one piece like the stapler. Search for that. I think I’m going to purchase one as well to replace the stapler.