How can you continue generating business when everything is on lockdown?
Here are 3 strategies:
Talk to your PC. Send them a text to let them know that you care. This way, you increase Top-Of-Mind Awareness. Fill your pipelines and sow the seed for future business.
Virtual networking with investors. They will want to buy during the probable housing downturn. You’ll find them at online real estate investor meet-up groups. Go to, find investor groups, and join or initiate virtual meetings with them.
Keep prospecting for motivated sellers (Expireds, FSBO’s, vacant homes, vacation homes) because they need to liquidate assets so they can get cash reserves. Do a virtual listing presentation with them.
Even when everything is indefinitely on hold, keep filling the pipelines. Be proactive and find people to help. So when everything opens up again, you’ll be in a position to make money and you can thrive through the tough times. Play to win, and always expect YES