How to get rid of skunk odor?

Recently purchased a forclosure that apparently had a skunk living in the basement. Skunk has been evicted, but the odor remains. Whats the quickest/easiest way to remove odor!

burn it down.

seriously, I tried once and never could get that stink out.

can you get your hands on about 1,000 gallons of tomato juice? That’s what you use when your dog gets sprayed.

Seriously, Mark is right…it sucks!


I remembered when I had a similar problem—but the smell was of a few dogs on the 1st floor—I tried everything but couldn’t get the damn smell out…until that is I decided to rip out a few of the floor boards

PA HouseHunter,

I had a situation where a skunk sprayed my back deck and I came across the following recipe and it worked like a charm. here it is

1 quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
1 table-spoon liquid soap or dish detergent

let it dry for a good 24 hours
then if you feel like it: hit it with some febreeze (or water & bleach mixture) and you should be back to normal
