How to find the right accountant, & what do they cost?

I have about 20 rental units, some sub2s that are leased out, some properties sold on Contract for Deed, and some properties I’m either holding or trying to sell right now. No W2 income. My accountant did my taxes last year (I use Quicken Rental Property Manager, printed out the data, property by property) and she charged me $650. She said it would be more this year. She owns rentals herself, but says she isn’t sniffing out de :helpductions and trying to minimize my taxes, she’s just entering data so that numbers come out the other end.

Since Quicken RPM will export to Turbo Tax, couldn’t I just do that myself? I’m in a fairly small town, and haven’t had any luck finding an RE-hip accountant to help me with tax strategy…or is that more than a small operator like me should be concerned about? What do you pay your accountant, and what questions should I be asking to find a better one?

You can do data entry yourself. That’s not why you pay a tax pro. You pay them to provide information that minimizes your taxes.

This article answers your question. Send a PM if you can’t find it online.
“How To Determine The Competence Or Incompetence Of A Tax Advisor, Including Your Own By: Albert Aiello”

taxes are mostly a “fill in the blank” exercise.

I get paid for knowing what to put in the blanks and knowing what is, and is not, allowable and strategies for minimizing taxes and maximizing profits.

sure, you can go out and get yourself educated


you can hire someone like me who already has the training and spend your valuable time growing your business. what’s your priority? Putzing around with numbers or running your business?

Can you recommend a CPA in Texas who might be familiar with International tax issues Canadians owning property in the US

You probably need a tax attorney with experience in US and Canadian tax treaties.

Any ideas how I might find one?

Personal recommendation or a referral from the TX bar association.
