How to Find Private Funds

How can I find private funds to help with the aquisition of an investment home in Orlando, FL? The funds will also be used to help with repairs that need to be made to the home. This is a 3 bedroom 2 bath home with 1200 sq ft living area and a pool. I have consulted with 2 professional handymen and the repairs are relatively simple. I will be doing all the repairs myself with the exception of pool cleaning.

My credit score is far from great, but I will do anything to prove that this loan will remain in good standing. This is the beginning of a well thought-out dream, and I am determined to make this work. I feel that I am more than prepared to make this project successful. If anyone has any information that can help me out I would really appreciate it.


Have you tried contacting any HML’s directly?

There is a list of lenders at this link.

This list is not to be construed as an approved list of lenders. It is merely a list and requires you to do a little research before commiting.

Good Luck!

Find a Hard Money Lender on this site