How to find investors

I’m looking for hard money or private money. I’m aware of my area, I come across deals all the time, I have a real estate agent that can feed me new deals or deals that doesn’t make it to the MLS. I have a proposal bit I have no money and no experience. I will just love to get my proposal in front of somebody that can provide financing but once ppl hear that I have no money in the deal or stated income they automatically shut me down. Please any tip will help.


For what state?


Edadeks… Depending on your situation, I may be able to help you get funding on a stated income basis, without any collateral or having to pitch your deals to anyone. Thanks. -Dan

Its depend on what type of business you are holding? You have to study and do business research and make reports and then find a big shot reference and pitch him, without reference you will not get…