How to asses a new area (new to wholesaling)

Hello Out there! I’m new to Wholesaling also new to the city of …ORLANDO! according to everyone this is a hugely competitive area when it comes to real estate investing but I try now to worry about these types of things because I believe its all about mindset and so I’m ready to start. For the past couple of months I have been setting up my online presence and I know it will take me awhile before I’m able to move up the google ranks. In the meantime I would like to get my feet wet and so I want to start learning the area start to put out some signs and hitting the ground. The problem is I’m so new to the area I’m feeling overwhelmed I don’t want to drive around aimlessly I like to have a more focused approach when it comes to things so my question is. For the experienced wholesalers out there did you start just driving around? Did you work with a investor friendly real estate agent to point you to the most 'desirable " areas or did you just focus on your target home prices and go to the areas that fit that? Any help would be great thanks!

I’m also in Orlando and you’re right it is extremely competitive but there is still plenty of deals. I started out as a sales and acquisition agent for a big wholesaler in Orlando. I can tell you that there is no specific area that’s better than the others for putting out signs. Some places pick up faster than others but for the most part you have to just account that your signs will be gone in 2 days and you’ll have to hit that area again. The key to bandit signs is consistency. Make a plan long term plan of how many to put out every week and what days to put them out and don’t stop. I mostly use them for buyers not that much for sellers.