How much $$$

How much money should I use on marketing for wholesale houses? Also If im trying to get an average of 1 house a month with whatever marketing tool how many hits should be put out?

It totally depends on your market, your ability to recognize deals, your negotiation skills, your buyers list.

You need to test your marketing and evaluate the return and adjust it from there. Probably the most effective time vs money way is bandit signs placed in the right places and the right quantity. Put up 100 signs in older neighborhoods and measure the response.

How is the market in San Antonio?

Do you buy and flip?

San Antonio market is stable. We are not seeing as good appreciation as before, but it is still a good market. Right now due to the holidays it is little slower (or should be slower, not actively buying till Feb so not really that active).

We currently live in BC. We visited SA a few months ago and loved the place. We just put our property on the market. We are attempting to sell ourselves. We’d like to relocate to SA as we just felt it was such a little gem.

I have been told the North East part of SA is where we should consider? Any areas that you could recommend?

Anywhere north is good. North east, North central, and North west. Just stay outside loop 410 not inside it.

May I ask what’s inside the 410 loop?

some areas are pretty good, but in general outside is newer than the inside and more accessable to vital areas.