How Do I Find Texas House Sale Dates?

I am trying to get the sale/deed and or refie dates from houses in Texas. Being a non disclosure state do the Realtors even have access to this, or not?

Do title companies have access to that in there marketing departments, so one can get a mailing list with that as part of the criteria?

Does anyone know of a way to get sale dates on Texas houses? I am doing mailings to motivated sellers there and that would really help me.
thank you so much,

Bill Guerra

Assuming you’re looking to buy in the major Texas metro areas, you should be able to find the info online at a county’s tax collector/assessor website or more likely, their appraisal district website. I know for a fact that Bexar County Appraisal District (San Antonio) has the info. Fyi it’s at . Hope this helps some…