How Close Is Too Close?

I saw the post on the other forum here (beginners) about, I just went there and is great! It provides property values and ol and was wondering if anybody out on cyberworld knows of any website similar to that would provide data about how close is your property to the nearest River / Levee. I would really like to have access to a site like that specially when investing in properties, I wanna see how close is too close to my properties :o

Here’s a site I use almost weekly before I enter into a RE deal with someone, this site provides data about registered sex offenders, like how close to your property is the sex offender living in and his picture, place of work, and in some cases it even gives you information about the type of car they drive (description) wow!
This is really great information for anyone in the process of purchasing a home… here’s the link below if you wanna check how close you live to a sex offender :o

Pearl :wink: