How Can I?

Hi Guys,

Can you please tell me what are the best strategies to find bird dogs & build a strong buyers list in the US by using only the internet besides using the infamous craigslist; for free if possible?

Many Thanx

Bird Dogs come and go, do your own huntin just starting out. Get on your local homes for rent sites and see if the landlords are buying, where, how much max. degree of repair they’re willing to do. Then read this whole forum its full of good idea’s. Herb

Join a REIA, send email to the group saying you are looking for birdogs, as well as buyers…

The same way we find sellers through bandit signs, you sure as heck can find cash buyers using the same method. Just change the message up a bit. :biggrin

Hi Guys,

Thanx much all of the comments a new strategy to tackl this problem.


Make sure you come back and let us know the progress. Love seeing people evolve here. :biggrin

ok, i will

Looking for the right properties can be a bit overwhelming. There are several ways to find properties and several more strategies that can be used; however, some are going to produce better results than others. It is my recommendation that you utilize all of these ways to finding properties, but order them in a fashion so that you’re most successful property resources are your highest priority. A bird dog looking for apartment buildings for sale has several sources for finding these properties.

Sorry if this sounds ahhhh duh?? But what is a bird dog? A seller?

A bird dog is one who finds suitable properties and points them out to a buyer (thus the name) for a fee.

A buyer buys properties.

There is an “Investing Glossary” linked in the left column of this page (


Thanks Keith… I guess I am a bird do then. :dance

No, I don’t think you’re ‘bird do’…I think you mean bird dog’. Bird do is something else, entirely! LOL

Lol, yeah, dread when a misspelling like that happens. :wink:

LOL Oh dear did I SAY that? :banghead2. Ooops! Thanks Keith

lol. Nooo not the hammer. Its ok. Man…don’t be so hard on yourself. :biggrin

I’m not. I can make light of my mistakes and occasionally laugh at myself!! occasionally…

Time and patience

Yeah, I agree how to find myself laughing at things I do or say, then I’m sitting there in the car talking to myself like," I can’t believe you just did that." I look over to the right and I see a whole car full of people looking straight at me, so I make the craziest face I can think of and scare the wits out of them. Who gets the last laugh now. :crying

LOL…I would did if I looked over and saw someone doing that. Actually I would probably marry him. :banana… JK. But I do like someone with a sense of humer. Good for you!!!

Dreamgirl are you hitting on me :biggrin lol. Just messin. Seriously, a sense of humor can be the difference between having horrible day and having a wonderful day. Laughing is like a drug. It gets you high especially when its some good stuff. :brow