how can I make money on this deal?

my Grandma has very old house that is on a valuable peice of wisconsin land, it is in Green Lake, becoming the next Lake Geneva, my parents have a contract with a brokerage firm that says they get 5%. I want to help sell the property and make a commission. How can I get an agreement with the local broker that says if I find the buyer, I get 2.5%

Also, I think with my sales skills, I can sell it for more than they have it listed for on the MLS.

I am confident I can find a buyer, we need to sell the house quick and I don’t want my Grandma’s financial state to be in control of a non-motivated brokerage. I want to help, but also make a nice chunk of change off the deal. Anyone want to help me or lead me in the right direction?

I read about this in a book the other day.

You will need to have the realtor/homeowner agreement amended to reflect something like this.

Seller will not actively advertise property, but if the seller does have a buyer a approach intrest in the property and buyer decides to initiate a purchase agreement, then the following will occur. If within the first 30 days, realtor will receive $500, after 30 days, realtor will receive $750, as an act of appreciation for listing and actively seeking a buyer for the property.

Of course you will need it tailored to your terms, but I think you get the idea.

<<…my parents have a contract with a brokerage firm that says they get 5%. I want to help sell the property and make a commission. How can I get an agreement with the local broker that says if I find the buyer, I get 2.5%>>

In most states, you must be licensed to receive real estate commissions…before you get too far along, I would check to see if that’s the case in WI…

<<…it is in Green Lake, becoming the next Lake Geneva>>

Is this a good thing? Lake Geneva’s in Switzerland…long commute for a weekend.
