How can I build CORPORATE CREDIT fast?

I just got incorporated in Nevada. My sales rep told me for $2200 they have program to build your credit to A equivalent fica score in 3-4 months, where normally it would take 3-4 years. He told me they have a list for all companies which provide corporate credit and report every week to the credit bureaus.
Does anyone know how to find the companies which provide coporate credit to new businesses AND report weekly to credit bureaus??
Thanks, it would be a BIG help.


Sounds like a scam to me…

I’d check with before you pay any money. Like this website, there are a bunch of websites for people with credit questions. I find that’s discussion forums are pretty helpful.

it IS a scam! Unless you are publicly traded and large like IBM, you as the owner/officer will still need to personally guarantee the loans. If you have bad credit kiss your Business credit good-bye.


Hi everyone first time poster.

" Unless you are publicly traded and large like IBM, you as the owner/officer will still need to personally guarantee the loans."

you are quite right, I paid $1000.00 to develop my business credit with no personal guarantee, the program worked as far as vendor credit, leasing equipment, but I cannot get a credit line, credit cards, loan without a personal guarantee.