Home staging

Hello, I was wondering if anyone out there has any information about staging homes to be sold. I’ve checked out a lot of web sites and far short of spending a few thousand dollars for a course on the subject I havent been able to find any local resources. I am looking to start my own business in the PA area. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Are you looking for information on how to stage, or how to start the business?

Staging requires an artistic eye to be able to imagine what a room would look like if staged with certain things, but there are also techniques used to make rooms look bigger for example, color coordinations and so forth and that is most likely what these courses are for.

There are books on the topic on amazon, and you may find courses on how to stage relatively cheap on ebay.

Now if your question about how do you market your business that is a different story. Do you know enough to convince a realtor to sell your staging to their clients? do you have material you can give to realtors to pass on to clients?

Are you comfortable enough to schedule an hour presentation to give to agents at each broker office and be able to sell them on the benefits of using you and teach them how to sell it to their clients?

Are you talking about staging outside or inside?

If you’re staging outside you really want to give it some curb appeal, to make it as welcoming as possible when potential buyers come look at the property or even drive by.

Things like flowers, shrubs, bushes, etc., can give it a more appealing look than a plain house with nothing around it. You might add a welcome mat by the front door or some solar lighting for the walkway.

Inside, (if it’s currently being lived in), making sure it’s clean, uncluttered, and welcoming will go a long way. Does it have a fireplace? If so, light a fire? Air fresheners, maybe a snack for the buyer.

You don’t need to spend thousands on these steps. It’s cheap.

If you’re looking for “how-to” material, you can pick up a book for under $20 or a used one for less.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

Peter Vekselman

I wouldn’t spend on a course because the first thing you need is good taste and that is really hard to learn. You also need to know how to stage but there are plenty of internet sites that teach you.

If you like staging and decorating and there are no competitors in your area, then it is definitely worth a try to start your own business.

Good luck!

Hmm, courses can actually help you adjust your sensibility and will then help you have a good taste… :slight_smile: