Hi all! Newbie from New Jersey

Good day fellow and lady investors! I’m new to this site in terms of posting, but have been reading on the site for sometime now. Finally, I’m starting to take action and my first stop is joining this site. I am grateful for the many who are active and have knowledge and experience to help others. Please keep doing what you’re doing, it really helps. Looking forward to do a lot of postings of testimonials.
Have a great day everyone!

Hello Diamond,

What ever you do don’t let somebody tell you that it is illegal to wholesale real estate in NJ. That was a hot topic around here for a while.

Good Luck Diamond!!

What’s your strategy?
Fix & Flip
Buy & Hold

I’m interested,


Delondon, thank you for the encouragement…believe me, one thing I know is people who say it can’t be done are interrupted by those who are doing it!

Sean Terry, I want to hit the multi-family scene then commercial, but for now I’m working on wholesaling for a bit.

Congratulations diamond. I see that you are taking action, and leaving the naysayers in the dirt. It’s always good to find out some things on your own. Just try not to reinvent the wheel. You should be fine. :cool