Hey everyone!
Yes I am a newbie and trying to learn about wholesale real estate right now. I have come across some other types of real estate(short sales, pre-forclosures, forclosures, etc…), but Im still learning and trying to stick with it. I am getting a mentor next month which I feel will help alot!
Anyways, the point to this post is my aunt and uncle are getting behind on payments and its not looking good. My uncle got a cut-pay from UPS of like $1600 and bills are stacking. I tried not to ask to many questions, but now that I am learning real estate, im curious if I might be able to help them and possibly make some money by it. Plus, it would be a good hands on experience. I will say this though… I dont have a real estate license, i have bad credit and not much money floating around.
Im asking everyone here for some input. My aunt and uncle want to stay in the same house. I thought about a loan modification, but not to familiar with that. I heard maybe short sales? I dont know… I want them to keep the house and be ok since they are family.
Can anyone give me some input on which way to go, to handle this situation? I think this would be a good experience for me to see this type of situation.
Thank You,