Help with letter/package to potential private investors

I have been enjoying the forum and other material on this site for quite some time but have now come up with 1st post.

My question is where can I get a package/letter to present to potential private investors that are interested in lending me money. I have a few friends as professional athletes and have briefly discussed this with them and they are interested, but now I need something formal to present to them so they can show their financial advisor. Do any of you have anything like this or know where I can get them. Thanks in advance!

I’ve never used private investors as I use business credit lines for all my investment purchases.

But sounds like you’re doing well if you have them interested, I would think that you would do well to make sure you have all the numbers down. Like the max amount of LTV you would borrow on a particular property, and interest rates and points…etc.

Good luck!

BTW, can you hook me up with any tickets to games? :biggrin