I live in Central NJ. What is the best way to go about replacing my windows and patios? Is there any efficient way, best way to go about this? I want to make sure that my home is energy efficient. Get maximum for the buck I spend also have a WOW factor since I may rent out or sell the house pretty soon. Any help is much appreciated.
I agree with Gold River on this one. I’ve used American Craftsman vinyl “new construction” windows from Home Depot in the last 4 rehabs I’ve done and have been very happy with the results. I do not use their bottom of the line units but one or 2 steps up from that (sorry I don’t recall off hand exactly what models I used). If your windows are the same size as the in-stock units and you don’t need to special order a custom size, the windows are even cheaper, as I recall. I like to use “new construction” as opposed to “replacement” because the new construction flange provides for a better installation and weather proofing but usually requires considerable more work to install.