Help: where do i start?

i’ve been looking into finding a real estate class to go to and don’t know which to pick :banghead or which one is the “best”. anyone have some recommendations? i’ve been reading books for quite some time but i think its time i step it up. please help. :help i want to go into wholesaleing or options for awhile to keep myself safe (seeing as i am only 18) if no one recommends a course or a class then where do i start? i know there is no real way to learn except get out there and do it. but i do want a bit of know how before i start.

Is there an REI club in your area? Check under the investors resources to the left of this screen.
That will be better for you than paying for a course.

I am a member of reaps and attend regularly. but am looking for a way to get into the field and start. any suggestions anyone? even if its not a course or class.