Help Us Get The Ball Rolling!!!

Hello Everyone!

My wife and I are really wanting to get involved with real estate investing. I have read many articles here and asked a couple questions. I gave a decent intro to our situation in a post in the financial forum. Basically, we are not looking to quit our day jobs making great money now, we just want to eventually stop living the 9-5 mon-fri work schedule!

My main question is this. I want to buy pre-forclosures, forclosures and short sales from banks before auction. How do I go about this without RE license; basically as two individuals? Do we use a realtor for now and focus on obtaining our RE licenses soon? I know I need to look into hard money lendors in our area (San Antonio, TX). We have good-great credit for a couple in our mid 20’s.

Any tips and advise or articles of importance I may have over looked would be GREATLY appreciated!!

Hey jonm81,

I am in San Antonio as well. Send me a private message and we can schedule some time to meet and I can probably give you better answers in person.

As far as license goes, you don’t need it but it would be very helpful for your career. Being couple means one of you could later become licensed but thats not important right now.

Sent! Thanks!!!