Help!! summons to unserved owner

Hey im tracking the foreclosure process on a house and it states that the 20 days summons was unserved…if that’s the case there is no way i can do a short sale correct?? b/c if they can’t find them I prob. wont be able to find them,


It depends. There is a possibility that the homeowner did not want to deal with the summons and as a result did not accept it. He may be more willing to deal with you if you are going to help him get out of a mess… Just my 2 cents.

I’m not sure about your state. Mine requires personal service for legal proceedings and unserved means the homeowner could not be located.

Im in Fla and the house is in Fl but the owner address is NY. Im going to try my best in find them! thanx for your input and 2 cents

Some private investigators offer a service to located property owners. You can also use a skip trace to find the owner.

what is excatly is a skip trace???please expound.

thanx BLL

A skip trace is a person or company who finds people, usually for creditors and people who are owed money, but They are not collection agencies. They just provide an address and phone number.