Hi everyone,
I have a few rent homes and have had no major problems so far - until now.
This is in TX - Tenant changed all the locks so I can’t access my property as allowed for in the lease (standard TAR lease) - PLUS
He and his son have changed their phone numbers and REFUSE to provide them to me - He refused me in person. This is in violation of the 5 day mandatory update called for in the Lease.
Top it all off - I moved and so had to get him new address to mail rent. I talked in person the month prior to try to get the rent check before mailed - he had already mailed it so I chased it down - fast forward Nov payment - I can’t call anyone - so I go over there and I know he is inside but doesnt answer door - so I put preaddressed envelopes AND stickers in his mailbox a good 10 days before the rent is due.
Now the real fun - of course come Nov 1 - I have not received the check in the mail. I go to the home on a friday night, someone not on the lease opens the door, I ask for tenant - he comes to door and tells me he sent the check last monday to the old address (he knew I moved) and NEVER got the envelopes with new address - and that “some kids” must have taken them. I asked for a a replacement check and he refused -eventually slamming the door in my face.
BEST part - background - he knows I concealed carry and has seen one of my weapons in my car -
Saturday morning I go back with a notice of breach for late rent and for not providing contact information - tape it to the front door while talking loudly to get him to answer and talk to me - I told him I needed to check the house condition and smoke detectors etc. and that the lease allowed for that - I tried my keys on the door and of course I couldn’t open it.
so… 5 minutes later a sheriff shows up and asks me what is up because the tenant called in a weapons threat!
After that was straightened up with the cop (yes tenant was inside the whole time and tried to tell a good story to the cop…) - I went on my way - ;()
What would you do at this point? Keep in mind this tenant has played the system for years and is a disabled vet.
Should I call a locksmith and have him go there and make me a key to solve that problem (of course the tenant may not let him in…or call cops on him…)
This is a month to month lease and I have been eventually paid each month - Should I just give him notice and get him out by dec 31 ? What would you do?