Hey Everyone and Anyone :slight_smile:

I have been studying the REI industry since May - used up all my credit and got some major expensive coaching program that just left me more confused than ever but for the past couple of weeks I have recovered…haha…and my business partner and I have decided on a direction and have goals and all that fun stuff :)…
So, we decided that - at least at first - wholesaling for us is the way to go. We have done our first yellow letter mailing and just put out our first bandit signs and I am excited to say the phones are ringing and we have our first appointment set up for tomorrow with a VERY motivated seller who is unemployed and as well as her husband…they have tried to sell their house since beginning of May with a realtor and just fired them last week because they have not been happy with the results…obviously.

She lives in a nice neighborhood from what I can tell with researching thus far. The price right now is 160,000$ and there are very similar prices - ranging 135-160,000 in the area. She said she is definitely willing to take less. I did find a few houses in the 80,000 or 90,000 price range in her area, but most seem to be in the range she has been trying to sell - obviously I know until we get there and see if it needs updating or work we won’t know if their asking price has been outrageous but here is what I would love help on…if my goal is to wholesale this house, what would I need to purchase it at? would I take 160,000 * .70 - repairs - a profit for us? because that would possibly bring it down to 90,000ish and that seems like a drastic reduction that I would be trying to get. I would love some input on how to handle so I know what my lowest offer can be when I meet tomorrow.

thanks so much!
you guys rock!!


I got your pm and read it.

If you’ve made up your mind to do wholesaling then just keep at this until you’re successful. Don’t switch horses!!! I would use more exclamation points if I thought it would help.

Meantime, don’t get married to a given deal. If you’re able/willing to maintain/increase your marketing you find more than a deal a month. I mean look at what you found already? Do you think there’ll be more like this? Of course there will. Which brings me to another point…

Real estate wholesaling is first a marketing business, before it’s anything else. You’re actually in the marketing business in order to do real estate.

Meantime again, don’t settle for mediocre deals at the beginning. You need classic “steals” right now. Then as you get your bearings, you’ll ‘worry’ about making money on less perfect transactions. In no time, you’ll be making very fine distinctions in your prospecting and negotiations. That is, you’ll recognize more opportunities as you continue.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, “Just because you can buy, doesn’t mean you should…”

Now I ask, “Are there any true comps?” What else has sold that is within 10% of the subject property’s sqft of living space and lot size that has the same number of bedrooms and baths? If you can’t find at least three actual, genuine comps (sold within the last 90 days that fall within the parameters mentioned) than you’re gambling. Gambling is for investards, to be blunt.

If you can’t find adequate comps, then move to a different farm, or niche, where there are comps by my definition. Good comps are probably your critical selling (and negotiating) tool, if not dictating how fast you will resell a given property. Of course you know that being able to justify your purchase (and sale) prices is completely dependent on you knowing your market.

This means getting out and looking at as much property as possible and taking pictures and notes about what you see …along with sale prices and knowing how long it’s taking to sell conventionally in your niche. Notwithstanding, don’t waste time looking at odd-ball properties such as farms, condos, mini-ranches, and manufactured homes on an acre…unless that’s your niche. Just stick with what’s selling fastest at first.

I keep referring friends to I’ve never seen anyone post the process of prospecting in real time like he does. You might have already read through it. I can’t recommend it enough to any newbie (or struggling professional). It’s an eye-opener I’m sure.

Also, while I’m at it, you’re only talking one property… You’re putting yourself in a hangman’s noose psychologically by not having alternative deals to look at. When we’ve only got one deal, we tend to adopt a scarcity mentality and start to believe we ‘must’ have that one deal. Forget that…! :banghead

To answer your question on how to handle the offer… This is an art. Short of that you need to ask the seller lots of questions about the sale. Why? Because you need to find out (elegantly speaking) why he wants to sell, what he’s going to do with his money, how much money he actually needs if any, and talk to him for at least a half hour in a way that whatever he says leads you to ask questions that you can use to tailor an offer that suits you, and will meet his needs (not his wants). When you’re done talking, you’ll first have developed a rapport (if it’s possible) and subsequently know approximately how far you can go.

Anyway, that’s all I got without writing a novella. :beer

Why not get the deed sub2? Then sell on owner financing or Lease/Purchase depending on what state your in.

thank you javipa once again! :slight_smile:

we went to this lady’s house after we gathered comps and there was no deal to be had. she bought a really nice house and a neighborhood where all other houses were 3/4 as nice as hers. she had too much house for neighborhood and owed way more than any of the comps i could find but i sat down with her and offered her suggestions to help her situation and went away with her asking for my business card in case she knew others than needed to sell their house so i felt like i sowed a seed in her of good customer service and compassion and will have a referral from her if she has a friend that needs help. and i feel it was good experience just to get out and talk to someone about their house.

i totally agree with you on staying with one thing. that coaching i just finished a couple of weeks ago on REI got me so overwhelmed and confused because she bounced from one niche to the next and about 10 strategies in each niche and didn’t focus on one single thing so i came out more confused than i went into but i feel that i am understanding wholesaling more than the others and it feels like a good fit for me and my partner in business feels the same so we have been feeling much better since deciding to focus on this niche and become experts at it so i am really excited about that!!

thanks for all of your great advice! I take it to heart and am studying day and night so i learn all that i can to be the best i can be!! :slight_smile: i appreciate all your help! are you sure you don’t want to relocate to st. louis so i can shadow and learn from you…haha :wink: