Help! Buyer backed out but new buyer in place ...... now what!

I have been working on a deal for the last 6 months and it just doesn’t seem to get any better.

Where we are now is - the original buyer basically backed out of the deal - we have another buyer but the original ss approval was pretty strict - no commissions to be paid. I figured we could just get a new contract in place (us) for the same price as the approval letter, then bring in our end buyer and double close - this way everyone gets their commission and we get something for our hard work. I’m not sure this is possible though? How should this be handled? We don’t need to renegotiate the deal with the lender if the price hasn’t changed do we? Or if we slip in a new contract for the approved price and double close with our end buyer? Please help - I don’t know what to tell the seller. - The lender has postponed the auction 3 times now - so I’m thinking I have some sort of leverage, just not sure what the right thing to do is. :banghead

New buyer, new offer, new deal. I say renegotiate for comission if that’s what it takes to get the deal done. Bank has only your offer or foreclosure as their choice. You may have additional leverage if the values have dropped since the previous offer was sent, so get a new BPO and resend package to the lender.

New buyer, same offer, but need commissions paid and lender would not approve - so need to double close.

What if the “end buyer” is wiling to pay the original price. Why resubmit everything? Is this necessary? or do we just close with a different buyer?