Now the translation:
“the hospital industry has pledged to contribute $155 billion in Medicare and Medicaid savings in the next decade”
Honest Abe, by gosh, we’ll do it! Within the next 10 years at the rate we are presently jacking health care costs… We would have had increases to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. We are going to be nice and shave off a tiny $155 billion we WERE going to ram to the tax payer for Medicare and Medicaid. Just make sure you allow us to continue to screw the general public without lube like we have been doing for years. AND we do NOT want to see any kind of calls to change the SUPPLY AND DEMAND by ADDING doctors to the system.
Ok, now the translation on this one:
White House with pharmaceutical industry’s arm behind their back: “Give us 80 billion dollars to finance health care reform, we will put 30 billion of it towards the elderly essentially paying it all back to you. The actual deal comes in here, your 50 billion we will spend any way we want for health care reform BUT, in trade we will make sure that your generous donation doesn’t go unnoticed. You will be rewarded greatly and we assure you that we will develop a plan that on the surface looks good but will be highly profitable to you.”
Pharm: “Sounds good. It would be nice to get that money back plus interest as we don’t just have 50 billion just sitting around not being used or already tied up in an asset.”
White House: No problem, we’ll get the loan for you from one of the banks we control. Actually, we’ll just give you some money from the tax payer to give back to us.