I’ve got a full time job right now, so doing short sales is a bit hard for someone with my time constraints. I’ve looked into using a service that will negotiate the SS for you. So far they look a bit expensive. Has anyone used this type of service before? What are your results/thoughts? Thanks.
Some negotiators charge a flat fee that is billed to lenders outside of your realtor commission. ($1500 usually) Or another option is to give the file to your broker or another realtor and You take a flat fee for packaging it initially.
they free up a lot of your time! But make sure you do your research before hiring anyone…I had one that totally sucked, never submitted offers, never called the bank but kept BS’ing me the whole time as if she was in constant communication with them. I have one now that is great at getting short sales approved. So ya, they can be very beneficial, you have to weigh the value of your time finding more deals vs. sitting on the phone on hold.
Sorry, I’m not a realtor although my wife is.
That’s exactly what I’m looking for. I need to leverage my time and I don’t feel that it will be best spent on hold for hours. On top of the JOB my wife is pregnant with twins and is due this week. These are our first babies so we have no idea what to expect. So the boys will be further motivation to get deals done but also require more of my time.