So I poosted a few months back about my lease option deal :
Topic: Lease Option Price of property set and owner out of state equity is 40-60K (Read 3063 times)
I have secured the price and buttoned up all the little issues. WELL.... 3 months have gone by and the Bank ( Wells Fargo) has stopped taking my payments and have initiated foreclosure. I am at a loss as to what I can do here. The State of Georgia does not file lease options and the county wont acknowledge it the bank wont talk to me anymore and the owner cant be found. I went to every Attorney I could find and got no where so I did something maybe rash, but I have my entire life saving in this house. I filed chapter 13 and showed the trustee my equity in the home which is substantial, more than 80K and Debt is less than 30K. is there a way that I can also filem a mechanics lien for that earnest monies and repairs and supplies or do I need to sue the owner and file that way.
The other question I have is do I have a way to get the bank to sell it to me ?
and if I could having this BK is going to put my financing options almost if not nil right?
any and all advice would be much appreciated…
FYI The house is just about done and she is shining for a 100 year old girl.