Hard money in the houston, katy tx area

Does anyone know where to find hard money in the houston/katy, tx. I am looking to buy a rental but I dont have the money for a down payment so I was going to buy a home that needs a little work with hard money and refinance in 45-60 days. I have found some hard money but the will only lend 50% or less. I was trying to find one that lends at least 60-65%.

Any help would be great thanks

Try SEAL Home Loans. We broker some deals to them but they are based and very strong in TX.

Try Noble Mortgage ,Zeus and Jet Lending. Good Luck

I have found the two site just not Zeus and Jet Lending if anyone has the website thank you the other two companies are perfect thank yall

Same situation here, but located in Southern California. Anyone have any information will be helpful, thanks in advance.


I deal with some people in loans and they do them most any where
But asa rule with the way things are now they only go for about 50 to 60 %
And they charge a 500 to 600 .00 no refundable fee to look over your packet
As they do a title seacrh and in some cases go to the property in person
If it is close to one of there branch loan people ( field reps )

And some people i know do have a hard time with the paying of the fee with submitted posible deal

But they are not going to work or do work on a project to find it may no go and do all the work for free

I know i do not worke for free

JUST my imput on this