Good luck in 2010!

Well this has been a blast. Yet its time to say Goodbye to all my friends on REICLUB. The past 14 years were good, Yet in 2010 I am on to New and Different things in life. So I decided that I would post one last topic on here and say GOOD LUCK. There are a ton of deals out there here is my advice to everyone. Find a good Lead provider that can get awesome leads of people that are 60-90 days late on there mortgage. Market to them right away. Get every Lenders SS Packet makes the paperwork easier. Negotiate like there is no tomorrow. Agree with the BPO Price and work your numbers… And don’t buy into all the :bs for every law there is a loop hole. There will always be ways around title seasoning. And new ways to do business. Hold notes when you can and SMILE TIL IT HURTS. This is one heck of a business Good Luck with it.


Summit - Let me be the first to say how grateful I have been for your advice here on this forum. We’ve had one live phone call, and that conversation assured me that you’re the real deal; you’re living proof that the world is actually a place of abundance, and that 98% of the population are actually very good people.

Unfortunately, it’s that 2% that the media loves to promote – through the first 6 minutes of every evening news cast, through all the programs with violence and non-sensical sitcoms – and the citizenry suffers from lack of basic financial training. The dumbing down of America has lead to a lot of our current financial mess, so there remains LOTS of opportunity! Unfortunately for the SS investor, it means someone is going to lose their house, but we can help them get back on the right financial track, once they start the next chapter of their lives.

Your advice has been so very much appreciated. I wish you continued success and prosperity, and I trust that you’ve thought this through well enough to know this is the right decision, at the right time. You’ll be missed, and just because you’re not posting here don’t think that you’re going to get completely away. As soon as I can cost justify the investment, I’ll want to buy your “Short Sale Investing Kit”, if you are producing such a thing. Please do!

Godspeed and … Merry Christmas!