GM is selling Hummer to mystery buyer

I do apologize to you that I was not aware that Hummer didn’t make Hummers. Automotive companies and what they manufacture is not the most important thing in my life.

However, I am surprised by your ignorant defenses of the Union considering their complete destruction of the auto makers. This is something that falls within the realm of common knowledge.

“You failed to mention your opinion of DUBYA’s abortion for his girlfriend???” - look two posts up… you know, the one BEFORE yours… you know, when you get ready to hit the “post” button, when someone else has placed a response, it tell you in RED… - it says - Warning - while you were typing 3 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.

It is interesting how you’ve become USED to me actually answering your posts that you picked up on the one point you added after you “modified” your post, resulting in me responding anyway to your point…

You’ll note your lack of response to the actual posts or support of your positions…

“I just think your frustrated with your life!!! But that’s YOUR problem…And it’s becoming VERY apparent here with each and every post. You are one very UNHAPPY person…I actually feel kind of bad for you.”

That’s quite a projection, FDJake… and quite insightful… I don’t think I’m “frustrated” anymore than the next… All in all, I consider myself a blessed man… I don’t exhort people to become dependant on the government…

Any frustration you may pick up on is with the absolute theft by Obama and subsequent financial enslavement of not only my kids, but for GENERATIONS to come… DIMINISHING the freedoms this country was founded on…


That’s it…You’ve figure me out O GREAT ONE. (OH MY GOD)

Hey, Did you hear Obama just sold the STATUE OF LIBERTY TO THE RUSSIANS!!!

This is like throwing a stick to a puppy…

“And, why don’t you support states rights anyways? Why do you feel that things will be better off with more Federal control of the people? Haven’t they screwed up enough as it is?”

Are you ever going to answer these questions FD? I am curious what makes the radical left tick and getting an honest answer would clear things up.

No, FDJake, based on the standards you set for everyone else, noone should listen to you, as your own writing in the posts have shown you to lie and THEN when caught FABRICATE from others posts to try and make your point…

Even when given multiple chances to correct it, you CHOSE not to, so of course, many things you post come into question…

It’s one thing not to know something, it’s another thing altogether to lie and fabricate it…

That’s funny, I noticed the same thing with the debate on the Union vs. Executives and who was at fault. Then he will post irrelevant information supposedly supporting his points in a desperate attempt to save face.

“Are you ever going to answer these questions FD?”

No hooch… that’s not what he does… just look at the last dozen posts… and then he complains that I did not address his one point about abortion after he modified the post I was originally responding to (which I then DID address)…

The “frustrating” thing is that this guy HAS an intellect… if he could use it to debate the substance of the issues, instead of putting up straw men and insults, we would all benefit…

Yes, I can tell he is intelligent. But actually debating the fundamentals of liberalism seems to be something outside the realm of capability of every liberal. I can’t tell you how many libs I have asked these questions to and they are all unwilling to answer most often changing the subject to an attack that is completely irrelevant.

Yes, that is truly “frustrating”… lol

You’ll note the lack of response to the substance of the posts… :banghead

The lack of response is interesting. It seems as if they are incapable of defending their basic foundation of principals since they are not based on reason or logic.

I am starting to believe Michael Savage that Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder.

“The lack of response is intertesting.”

I just figured I’d wait till you and Positive were done tripping over each other.

Hooch is NOW apologizing for not knowing enough about the about the CAR BUSINESS . Yet he KNOWS it was ALL THE UNIONS fault for the current situation the big 3 face. I agreed with him that the Unions absolutley had a role. But the REAL disaster occured when MANAGEMENT SQUANDERED TENS of BILLIONS of dollars buying Foreign car companies that eventually would ALL be sold at a loss. THOSE NUMBERS SAY IT ALL!!! When it was pointed out to him that the ROI percentage he was THOUGHT existed in that business DIDN’T…He said…

HE KNEW IT ALL ALONG… That it was a big “SET UP.” :bs :bs :bs

If the 'set up" was designed to let EVERYONE know you had NO CLUE what you were talking about…MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!

Reading the last EIGHT POSTS by POSITIVE and HOOCH leads me to just one conclusion…

YOU two should get a ROOM!!!

MIKE SAVAGE…That says it all man. I sure you’re a HUGE fan!!!

Positive…You are absolutely correct BUSH couldn’t get the ABORTION…

BUT HE DID PAY FOR IT!!! What VALOR!!! Maybe he paid for it with his NO SHOW Texas Air Guard “Fighter Pilot” money???
What a piece of sh*t…This LOSER couldn’t or wouldn’t show up for even his MINIMUM Monthly flight training over the hostile Texas sky’s. This went on while JOHN McCAIN was getting his @SS shot out from underneath him in Viet Nam. All while DUBYA played rich boy fighter pilot and knocked up his girl friend.

You guy’s crack me up. If OBAMA pulled this BS I think HOOCH would roll a 7 in front of his computer screen. But DUBYA gets a PASS.

TYPICAL REPUBLICAN BULLSH*T. Preach one thing…DO the other.


I did’nt agree w/ alot bush done and lord knows he was no great speaker.However,I question the credit of being such a great speaker that obama has gotten.All his speeches are compossed by a research team under axelrod then put on teleprompter.Anyone can recite a speech they’re reading!!How do you explain his wanting to bend over for the muslims of the world?And its a lie that america is the fastest growing muslim nation,we are’nt even in the top 30.Sounds alot like his illusion that the last eight years have been sooo horrible.You were right on reagan,great pres.,one of reagan’s real hard hits durring the debate he said if you are’nt happy with where you are today under this president pick me.I think that whoever in 2012 will just have to simply say that and win by a real landslide.

“Positive…You are absolutely correct BUSH couldn’t get the ABORTION… BUT HE DID PAY FOR IT!!! What VALOR!!!”

According to pro-abortion people, that’s his only role… money, so you should be HAPPY he did that… So he does what you want him to do, and you are critical of him for it? That’s some wacky reasoning… But don’t worry FDjake, you and I are currently paying for abortions through taxpayer money thanks to Obama… so whether you disagree with abortion or not, you get to pay for it, not only in America, but elsewhere in the world…

So take happiness in all the KILLING of the INNOCENT babies now on all our dimes all in the name of “choice”… you know, the “choice” that liberals now exhort to be “safe, legal and rare” - “rare” automatically denotes it is a BAD CHOICE and something to be done away with… so if “choice” were really what you wanted, you would be against your own stance on abortion… maybe we should only abort “liberals”… that’s a “choice”, right? It will only be when the abortion arguement of “choice” is taken to its ultimate ludicrous conclusion and it affects different “groups”, that it will become unpalatable…

“Reading the last EIGHT POSTS by POSITIVE and HOOCH leads me to just one conclusion…
YOU two should get a ROOM!!!”

LOL… you meant the last seven, right? Guess you ignored the part where BOTH OF US said you had the intellect to debate the issues IF you would stop with the straw men and insults… but only YOU can actually take that step… you just CHOOSE not to…

…or you can just continue to ignore the substance of the posts… only time will tell… but you are off to a rough start…

Good Luck… :beer

P.S. - Being that you modified your post again…

“Preach one thing…DO the other.”

Please… this is the liberal MO… after all, aren’t they always critical of those “black and white” views, exhorting the grey areas?.. As I say, there is no such thing as liberal hypocrisy… :rolleyes

FD, such an angry guy. You are so mad that I set you up and you walked right into it. Tell me what blue chip company makes more than 10%.

GM has to make a profit to please the stock holders or they are screwed as everyone will sell their stock. FD, why would you hold stock in a company that doesn’t make a profit?

The Unions have sucked the life out of the big 3.

How could a company survive when they have to pay their workers 123% more in wages than the average manufacturing worker? Compare their salary to state college professors. What exactly is so special about assembly line work? Most of them have nothing more than a high school degree.

$75 is the average cost per hour of an autoworker. That is based on a 40 hour work week - with overtime this figure gets even more ridiculous.

$1,500 to $2,000 of every car goes to pay the health care costs and benefits of UAW employees.

GM pays $17 Million dollars a year for Viagra

Woops, that trash can knocked over so we have to shut down the assembly line and get the janitor over here to pick it up. Sorry but I can’t do that because I’m not a janitor.

I’ll never forget when I was a Teamster working for UPS. I just got the job and the other Teamsters were showing me the ropes. I worked on the Secondary Slide which is a giant 30 or 40 foot wide slide that the belt takes the packages of the trucks to and they slide down for me to grab and put on the appropriate belt. The first day there the manager was showing me how to do my job. He picked up a package and put it on the belt it goes on based on the zip code. The other union workers flipped out that he touched a package on my slide and threatened him that they will report him to the union leader if he lays another finger on a package. Later after he left they told me you need to go down and just report him now. I asked why? What’s the big deal? He was just helping to show me what I need to do. They said he is not allowed to touch a package, that’s the union rules and he must follow them.

You keep telling yourself that…ANYONE reading your last post must be in TEARS laughing at your COMPLETE LACK of UNDERSTANDING regarding how the stock market works. It’s AMAZING to hear you put this into words.

But the best part is how YOU GOT SET UP…You looked like a complete KNOW NOTHING when those profit margins for Honda and Toyota were posted. YOU HAD NO CLUE…NONE…Just like you had NO CLUE AM GENERAL builds the HUMVEE and GENERAL MOTORS builds the HUMMER. You walked right into that one too. The BEST part was your WHINING about how OBAMA was going to let the Chinese build BATTLE SHIPS for our military. YOU ARE COMPLETELY C L U E L E S S…

But I do love getting under your skin.

What a FASCINATING STORY about your time on the SLIDE at UPS. I would DEFINITELY agree that with that level of knowledge YOUR MORE THAN QUALIFIED to determine whats wrong with the US auto industry. Now if you can just fugure out WHO makes WHICH VEHICLES…I think you could have this entire industry turned around in about a week or so…

Ya know…I worked in a HOSPITAL kitchen when I was 16…I think I’ll tell the hospital administrator what he’s doing WRONG… After all…I DID see waste in that kitchen…AND it was UNIONIZED!! (that’s just WRONG by itself… RIGHT??)

Yep…you got it ALL figured out… :eyecrazy :eyecrazy :eyecrazy

The bottom line is this…

The entire PLANET is in a CREDIT INDUCED DEPRESSION…BUSH didn’t cause it…He ADDED to it…But he DID NOT cause it…Obama didn’t cause it…It occured before he was even sworn in…But he ADDED to it.

The BLAME is on the people and businesses that LOANED or BORROWED TRILLIONS. The blame lies with people who lived WAY WAY WAY beyond thier means. This happened ACROSS THE PLANET.

It’s bigger than anyone ONE person. I personally think it’s a CYCLE. It was GOING TO BE REPEATED regardless of who was elected to ANY office in any country. Digging out of it is the great UNKNOWN. Do we let EVERYTHING CRASH??? Maybe that was the answer…Let it all go…then start over…The problem is simple…WE’LL NEVER KNOW if that would have worked. There’s no sense DEBATING it…It’s like arguing over whether you should have turned right or left BEFORE the accident occured…

The car business is a shining example…They were ALL PIGS…The executives, the UNIONS, ALL OF THEM…ARROGANT MANAGEMENT that ignored the up and coming Japanese car makers when they still had TIME to compete with them. GREEDY UNIONS that paid people NOT to work.
It’s a PERFECT REFLECTION of our SOCIETY…isn’t it???

You may not like Obama…That’s fine…but blaming him for things that the population of this planet created is ridiculus. It’s like ME blaming BUSH for 911. Events that lead to that were set in motion DECADES before he even RAN for office. I honestly believe some things are just GOING to happen. The TIMING of this economic event was PERFECT. It occured at EXACTLY the time when NO ONE on Wall St was around to remember what lead us to the Great Depression. The guys running these banks heard the stories but the REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE was not there. It was time for this generation to LEARN some hard lessons…and THAT is EXACTLY what we are getting…a VERY HARD, VERY REAL…LESSON.

It was BOUND to happen and it DID!!! Now we all live with it. And NO ONE likes it…NO ONE…

You sure are pounding on hooch about her lack of automakers,as a avid car collector,I think you made your point,Now step down and try to answer this.Explain why clinton did’nt move an inch on bin laden when the saudis offered him up?Also explain who it was that pushed the get everyone in a house no matter what “rules of fair lending”,clinton again.I bring this up not to play the same old blame game but to prove what you stated earlier “it would be like blaming bush for 9/11”.So since obama (basically the clinton admin on a turbo)is doing the same ignoring of the threats; who’s responsible for attacks in the future??Really,we all need to get past this blame and admit the truth that we as americans are hated for a number of reasons that can’t be “talked through” by this actor we have as president. It’s really sad when leaders in china,russia,etc see through OUR PRESIDENT ,why can’t alot of you??Just today,chavez said that he and fidel may be more conservative than obama!! IT"S EMBARRASSING TO HAVE THIS WEAK MAN REPRESENT OUR COUNTRY!

“Also explain who it was that pushed the get everyone in a house no matter what “rules of fair lending”,clinton again.”

The interesting thing is that Bush in his first budget he pushed for revamping this but was batted down by the Dems, who continued to do it everytime it was brought up, and we found out why… they were being paid off in the same cushy jobs with Multi-million dollar salaries and bonuses they were critical of…

While it is accurate to say they all had a hand in it, it is not accurate to say Bush and the Rep’s didn’t try to do anything about it. It is also accurate to say that the Dem’s fought every attempt, and Barney Frank and Chris Dodd come off looking pretty bad in the history of this…

It is interesting that the Community Reinvestment Act that everyone is so critical of was enacted under Carter with a Dem majority…

“I bring this up not to play the same old blame game but to prove what you stated earlier “it would be like blaming bush for 9/11”.So since obama (basically the clinton admin on a turbo)is doing the same ignoring of the threats; who’s responsible for attacks in the future?”

There are many reasons Obama would share the lion’s share of blame for an attack post-9/11 because of decisions he is making, but I don’t believe Bush is off scott-free for 9/11, and especially Clinton… Even though we had not been attacked on a scale of 9/11 from terrorists, we did have reasons to be concerned. But unfortunately, the wall between the intelligence agencies that were erected by Gorelick in the Clinton administration played a key role in these concerns not making it to the point where action should have been taken…

Add to that the bombings that occurred unanswered throughout the 90’s, passing on getting Obama, and it stands to reason (retroactively) that is that it just emboldened the terrorists. But, unlike Clinton and Bush, Obama HAS a watershed moment in history to refer to and learn from and be guided by its realities, 9/11, and his failure to keep America safe (should it happen) working AGAINST the intelligence communities efforts, should not be ignored. Would Americans rally again… yes… but it will also be against a harsh backdrop of WHY? With all that we had now in capabilities and operational knowledge, that we did not have pre-9/11, how could it happen?

“It’s really sad when leaders in china,russia,etc see through OUR PRESIDENT ,why can’t alot of you??Just today,chavez said that he and fidel may be more conservative than obama!! IT"S EMBARRASSING TO HAVE THIS WEAK MAN REPRESENT OUR COUNTRY!”

This is what causes me alot of concern… Obama said in speech in Egypt - “‘ANY WORLD ORDER THAT ELEVATES ONE NATION OVER ANOTHER WILL FAIL’…” - He is basically capitulating to these tyrants and giving them ammunition against the US… by saying this, he is basically saying that America is not the “shining city on the hill” as Reagan so eloquently put it, but just another nation NOT to be looked up to and envied.

It was this factor that CAUSED so many revolutionary changes throughout the world. Now, in doing this, an going around apologizing for America, which has done more GOOD throughout our history than any other nation on earth, he DIMINISHES that shine ideologically, and puts us on par with other nations that DO NOT hold the same ideals…

You’ll note the almost glee Chavez had when he made that statement… You don’t think it totally undercuts the American argument and will cause more misery throughout the world by having people AGREE with the likes of Chavez et al? Adding his “comrade” insinuation was a neat literary device…

POSITIVE…YOU tell us EVERYDAY how America ISN’T the shining city on the HILL anymore :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes

The “SHINE IDEOL0GY” is just THAT…an IDEAL…It is OBVIOUSLY NOT how the world see’s this country after the DUBYA years…But INVADING other countries on BS “weapons of mass destruction” theories will do that for a nation!!! A CLUE to that might be the RESPONSE Obama seems to be getting from the WORLD!!!

Unlike YOU…I’ve always thought our STRENGTH as a NATION came from our ability to ADMIT past mistakes. Like SLAVERY, SEGREGATION, The right for WOMAN to VOTE. Admitting we were WRONG at times is what has ALWAYS kept this country SHINING as a place that is TRUELY DIFFERENT.
BUsh was a DISASTER for this country…Obama is mending some badly worn fencing.


I agree with your statements regarding Clinton. HE BLEW IT…BIG TIME!!

I honestly think Clinton was a pussy…Really…It would have taken b@lls to take out Bin Laden at the time we literally had him in the cross hairs. But…as you know, intelligence saw a SAUDI Family JET parked near the compound slated for attack. CLINTON DIDN’T HAVE THE BALLS to pull the trigger. HE BLEW IT…That’s your answer. Clinton took the EASY way out and did NOTHING. I wonder though…The Bush family has very close personal ties to Saudi royal family…and I’m not bashing them for that…There’s REAL personal, and geo political reasons for keeping good realtions with the Saudis. I believe it was SAUDI intelligence that actually uncovered the Iraq assasination plot on George H. Bush which was planned for his Kuwait trip. I know if someone provided ME with information that literally saved my fathers life…I would be very greatful and consider that family true friends. So with that in mind…I wonder if George W. Bush would have pulled the trigger given the same scenerio Clinton was presented with??? Which MEMBER of the Royal familt was in that camp??? From what I understand of that night…NO ONE KNEW…Would BUSH have risked KILLING the SON of a Saudi Royal family member AFTER that family literally prevented his fathers assassination??? We’ll never know will we??? That’s my point…These things are VERY COMPLICATED.

And HOUSING…Yep…I agree AGAIN with you…The DEMOCRATS opened that can of worms. Loser deadbeats should have NEVER been allowed anywhere NEAR a mortgage. But…it wasn’t just DEAD BEATS that fueled this housing BOOM. I did 85 title searches last week on up coming foreclosed homes purchased BEFORE 2001. In THEORY, every one of these homes should have had BOAT LOADS of equity in them. The average purchase price was UNDER $100,000. Even in our current depressed market those homes are STILL worth a minimim of $150,000. So how many out of 85 had ANY equity in them??? ONE…JUST ONE…The rest had an AVERAGE outstanding mortgage balance of around $250,000!!!
That isn’t CLINTONS fault…Or BUSHs fault…THAT fault lies squarely on the shoulders of those HOME OWNERS who used their homes as ATM machines!! I does back to what I said…PEOPLE CREATED THIS FINANCIAL DISASTER…These people are now being TAUGHT what happens when you make stupid decisions. Their NEIGHBORS are also learning this lesson as THEIR home values drop due to the foreclosure effect.

This is a GENERATIONAL LESSON…My grandfather got his generational lesson in the 1930’s…and it stuck with him his ENTIRE life. These people are getting theirs NOW!!!

Maybe some of you ASSUME I BLINDLY support any democrat…
I DON’T…Democrats are MORE THAN CAPABLE of screwing this country up and have PROVED IT for years. Just as their REPUBLICAN counter parts have.

The thing that KILLS ME…Is how Obama is blamed here for EVERYTHING…HOOCH literally thought OBAMA was selling a MILITARY CONTRACTING COMPANY to the CHINESE. :banghead :banghead

THAT’S PATHETIC…But that’s what you get when people that have NO CLUE comment on subjects they know NOTHING about.

Oh…and THANK YOU for admitting that I MADE MY POINT regarding the U.S. car companies. It looks like HOOCH’s so called “set up” certainly didn’t fool you!!

As far as Obama being weak…I can see your point…It’s a completely different strategy, no doubt about that…We’ve seen what a heavy handed policy has accomplished. And I can see peoples points that support that method…BUT…over the LONG HAUL…It does seems to me that those methods are not sustainable. As a country, they push you into a corner. ESPECIALLY when the entire basis for invading IRAQ was based on WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION and the WORLD finds out…They didn’t exist!! THAT WAS NOT A GREAT MOMENT FOR THIS COUNTRY…Even the most rabid Republican would like to have that one back. In the end NO ONE knows how these new strategy’s will play out… UNTIL they play out.

We tried it one way for 8 years…The results could have been MUCH BETTER. Just imagine the LIVES and the MONEY this country would have saved if we simply DID NOT INVADE IRAQ??? What did we find when we got in there??? A country that had electricity for 6 hours a day…A country that economically had been brought to it;s knees by sanctions put in place by, in my opinion, one of THE BEST PRESIDENTS this Country ever had…GEORGE H. BUSH!!! Yep you read that right…The OLD MAN (voted for him TWICE)…His only problem was TIMING…He got caugth in a recession that had NOTHING TO DO with his policies…It was just a cycle…

For all you Republicans out there imagine…JUST IMAGINE…How different this Country would be RIGHT NOW…If The old man, George H. had been President during 911??? We would have NEVER invaded Iraq…This guy didn’t invade in the 1990’s when that country was on it’s KNEES and the PUBLIC was actually CRITICAL of his decision to STOP…Why did he do that??? He did it because he LISTENED to his military EXPERTS…Colon Powells famous warning to DUBYA comes to mind…

“If you break Iraq…YOU OWN IT” … And we BOUGHT IT… for TRILLION$

Instead of wasting time, lives, and money invading Iraq…The old man would have PUMMELED THE LIVING SH*T out of the Taliban In Afganistan and done it with a military force so powerful and overwhelming NOTHING could have stopped it…He would have also had the COMPLETE BACKING of the civilized WORLD which NOW would be REBUILDING that country instead of seeing the conflict SPREAD to Pakistan and the U.S. tax payers footing the bill!!!

But instead we got stuck with the DUMB son…Cripes they say JEB BUSH is a genius.
We just got the WRONG Brother.

“You guy’s ASSUME I BLINDLY support any democrat like POSITVE BLINDLY SUPPORTS republicans…(that sentence ought to get us about 10 pages of ranting)”

Just because you assert it, FDJake, doesn’t make it so, I am just interested in the accurate history of events… There are many things I do not support the Rep’s on, and have said so, but as I have told everyone, I have voted for Rep’s, Dem’s and Ind’s, but I don’t vote for the guy who thinks GOVERNMENT is the answer… only two sentences…

[i][b]"This guy didn’t invade in the 1990’s becasue he LISTENED to his military EXPERTS…Colon Powells famous warning to DUBYA come to mind…

“If you break Iraq…YOU OWN IT”

Well, look at a map of the area, and you will start to see WHY they did invade Iraq, AFTER they toppled the Taliban in Afghanistan. The role 9/11 played in all this can’t be ignored… We had just been sucker-punched… They were looking in ALL directions… who would most likely ally with Osama… The Gulf War in ousting Saddam from Kuwait was NOT equatable with Iraq post 9/11…

“The old man would have PUMMELED THE LIVING SH*T out of the Taliban and done it with a military force so powerful NOTHING could have stopped it…He would have also had the COMPLETE BACKING of the civilized WORLD!!!”[/b][/i]

Your understanding of the rational for Sr. not invading Iraq is flawed. It was precisely BECAUSE feared he would have lost the coalition that he went in with, and placating the Arab world who were concerned that if we went in, we wouldn’t leave, and it would have exceeded the UN mandate at the time, and he didn’t want to diminish trust in that commitment. He also felt that he could never find Saddam Hussein if they invaded, and that he would be stuck in a country with no exit strategy, as that is not what they planned for… He had hoped an uprising afterward’s would have toppled Saddam, but instead we saw the slaughter that ensued post Gulf war.

Post-9/11 would George H. Bush attacked? That is an interesting question… he was certainly one of better Presidents when it came to foreign policy…